Sunday, August 7, 2011

Translation Lesson Plans

SIOP® Lesson Plan 7th Grade ESL

Lesson 1 of 2: “Translating Fairy Tales with a clear Voice”
STANDARDS: Illinois English Language Proficiency Standard 2: Analyze and Interpret literary devices. Interpret Author’s Purpose. Rewrite stories from different points of view.THEME: Writing with Voice
LESSON TOPIC: Translation
Language: Using Complex sentences with specific cultural vocabulary for characters in a fairy tale

Content: Fairy Tales in each students 1st language

LEARNING STRATEGIES: Metacognition of language organization and Comparison of cultures

MATERIALS: computers with google documents and “garage band”. Various fairy tales from students’ first language

MOTIVATION: personal voice in writing

PRESENTATION: oral and guided writing


Students will record their chosen fairy tale into Garage Band application on the computer.
Students will plan the writing based on the rubric. Especially focusing on specific vocabulary. They may use an online dictionary for some words.
Students will identify any linguistic idioms that are difficult to translate and find a suitable alternative.
Students will write a draft of the translation on google docs.
Students will evaluate the strength of their voice in the writing by answering the questions in the Rubric.
Is the vocabulary appropriate for the audience?
Are the word choices specific to the setting and the character?
Are the cultural references clear?
Is the story interesting?
Does the story follow a traditional plot scheme or is it different based on the culture of origin?

Students will revise the draft using the rubric.
Students will proofread their draft for sentence complexity, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, word usage.
Students will record their English version of the fairy tale on Garage Band.
Students will evaluate each others' stories looking for the cultural voice.

Oral recording of original story and English translation will be observed.
Rubric for Voice in Writing
Self-Assessment using Rubric

Lesson 2 of 2: “Translating Fairy Tales with a clear Voice”
STANDARDS: Illinois English Language Proficiency Standard 2: Analyze and Interpret literary devices. Interpret Author’s Purpose. Rewrite stories from different points of view.
THEME: Writing with Voice
LESSON TOPIC: Translation
Language: Using Complex sentences with specific cultural vocabulary for characters in a fairy tale

Content: Fairy Tales in each students 1st language

LEARNING STRATEGIES: Metacognition of language organization and Comparison of cultures

MATERIALS: computers with google documents and “garage band”. Various fairy tales from students’ first language

MOTIVATION: personal voice in writing

PRESENTATION: oral and guided writing

(Meaningful activities, interaction, strategies, practice/application, feedback)

Students will choose a fairy tale from their native language.
Students will translate that fairy tale in two ways. First, a literal translation which includes a word by word translation of the original text into English.
Students will identify the organizational differences, idiomatic elements, cultural reference, and other barriers to literal translations of literature.
Students will write an artistic translation of the same fairy tale using the same rubric as for the fable.
Students will write a draft of the translation on google docs.
Students will evaluate the strength of their voice in the writing by answering the questions in the Rubric.
Is the vocabulary appropriate for the audience?
Are the word choices specific to the setting and the character?
Are the cultural references clear?
Is the story interesting?
Does the story follow a traditional plot scheme or is it different based on the culture of origin?

Students will revise the draft using the rubric.
Students will proofread their draft for sentence complexity, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, word usage.
Students will record their English version of the fairy tale on Garage Band.
Students will evaluate each others' stories looking for the cultural voice.

Oral recording of original story and English translation will be observed.
Rubric for Voice in Writing
Self-Assessment using Rubric
Students will write a journal entry comparing the difficulty in translating literally and artistically. They will need to explain the differences in linguistic organization and vocabulary usage.

(Reproduction of this material is restricted to use with Echevarria, Vogt, and Short (2008), Making Content Comprehensible for English
Learners: The SIOP ® Model.)

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